Sanjo College of Pharmaceutical Studies


Sanjo College of Pharmaceutical Studies has spacious theory class rooms equipped with audio-video facilities to enhance effective teaching. State-of-art laboratories with well equipped instruments are open to each student for hands on experience. The central library houses several titles and volumes of books for reference. A special section is provided for research journals, magazines, and e-journals. The naturally grown herbal garden is home to herbal and aromatic plants reflecting the traditional knowledge of the country. Further, the synthetic chemistry labs have enough software and equipment to design and modify drug action and minimise the side effects. Well established formulation and quality control laboratories are an added feature in the college. While animal experiments are restricted as much as possible, students are exposed to various softwares to understand the pharmacological effect of drugs on animals. While the members of the scientific research committee with their cutting-edge technology and knowledge guide scholars for scientific writing and presentations, a dedicated experienced HR team organises personality development programmes for students to achieve their goals. Cocurricular and extracurricular activities play a major role in the personality development and special attention is given to all students in this regard. Hostel accommodation is provided at nominal cost for staff and students. Sanjo College of Pharmaceutical Studies has all facilities to expand the scope of learning from the four walls of the classroom to the four directions of the globe.

Other facilities include common room separately for boys and girls, first aid room, wash room in each floor, museum to display pharmaceutical information, herbarium, board room to conduct meetings for faculty, management, executive committee and for inspection.
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